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Roles | Should Coverage Name be added for ALL roles?

When roles come over from iPipeline or when adding a new roles, should the Coverage Name be included for all roles? Currently, when a case comes over from iPipeline the coverage name is blank for the owner and payor. This field is not a required f...
Jenna James about 2 years ago in  1

Application Part 2 Requirement

Can we add an indicator task to alert if neither the original or additional case has a part 2 task assigned?
Janelle Rose about 2 years ago in  1

Status Cards in FAST

From a feedback lab: Do the status cards change color based on any service level agreements? For example if a case has been open more than xx days does that status card change from purple to red so the user has an instant indicator that the case m...
Janelle Rose about 2 years ago in  1


From a feedback lab: can the date default to the current date so the uw doesn't have to add the date. My concern is if the wrong date gets entered
Janelle Rose about 2 years ago in  1

Payor indicated as Owner

From Petrea - We had a situation recently come up where our current system functionality make the process somewhat complex. I just wanted to share some ideas/thoughts on how the payor will function in FAST. Ideally we would be able to indicate any...
Janelle Rose about 2 years ago in  1

Create Error message - Changing DOB to age outside of allowable Term year on system

Create error message when changing DOB to a date that is outside the allowable age on the term year already on the system. Currently, for a Premier 15 year term and you change the DOB to a 72 year old(cannot have a 15 year only a 10 year term), th...
Jenna James about 2 years ago in  1

Create Error message when no Owner or Payor

When an owner or Payor is not on a case, create error before you can issue the case. Currently, you are able to issue a case with no owner and/or payor
Jenna James about 2 years ago in  1

Adding Party Role as Case Manager Role

If user is logged in as CM, they are not able to add a party role successfully. Updates can be made to existing Insured, which will carry to Owner and Payor role if all three roles are the same party. But any updates or additions made using QT “Ca...
Sam McClain about 2 years ago in  2

Automated email correspondence to writing agent for NTO correspondence

Related to ADO story 65658 - Initial Return of Premium - When an initial premium returns for any reason and the premium is reversed off FAST we would like an automated email to generate out to the appropriate agent's email advising of the returns ...
Joellen Groethe about 2 years ago in  1

Change to QT - Receive error message when update does not flow over

Examples 1: When user is changing the plan years, and a year is selected outside of the allowable age range, have an error message populate stating the Insured is too old for the plan year selected. Currently(9/8/22), when a user selects a plan ye...
Jenna James over 2 years ago in  1