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Customer - UW & Auditor Access to Customer Card

UW & Auditor do not have access to view Customer Card. We did not request that UW & Auditor have this access, do we see any need for UW and Auditor to be able to view? Would likely be beneficial.
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Updating Requirements: Some Functionality Missing on Quick Transaction

Case: When updating requirements via "Case: Update Requirements" quick transaction, system will not let me edit “Name” or “Related To” fields on “Case: Update Requirements” pop up window, but I can edit all other fields. In order to update all fie...
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Disable Add Requirement Button on Requirements Tab

Case Side: FAST has indicated that it's best to add requirements using the quick transaction. Can we hide or disable the button on the Requirements tab if they don't want us to use this? Low Priority: Propose to fix for Term or other Product Scale.
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Tasks - Task History

Task History is not accurate when user accesses their task landing panel list. The date/time are okay, but the user that task is being assigned to is not correct. Medium Priority: Propose to fix for Term Scale
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Party Matching Issues

Case Side: (Previously identified by Tracy) After cases/apps have been matched. When final action approval is completed on one of the cases, the risk class updates and displays successfully. When the user attempts to complete final action approval...
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

APS: Functionality for Adding Requirement & Details

Case: Need feature for the overall functionality of adding APS requirements, requirement/doctor details & integrating that with our vendor. Medium - High Priority: Propose to start work in Digital Pilot
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Tasks - Utilizing Group Queue Tasks

When utilizing the Group Queue Tasks as an UW, when you click the task or Case Link, it doesn't take the user to the task or case automatically. Nothing happens. User will still have to go search for the case in Search Bar manually. Low Priority -...
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  1

Height/Weight Format in FAST is unclear

Case: Height and Weight entered into iPipeline (if medical questions are asked) & that data is carrying to FAST, but it's unclear what unit is being used to display the info. Propose to have the data updated so that it displays Feet & Inch...
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  2

Phone Numbers Not All Carrying to FAST

Case When phone numbers are entered in iPipeline, if Home Cell & Business are all entered, home phone does not come over. Low Priority - propose to fix for Term Scale or other Product Scale.
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  3

Cont Bene Relationship Not Coming Over From iPipeline

Case Side: Cont Bene relationship field is not populating in FAST when case is first submitted. User will have to manually enter this information for the UW to review. Propose that this relationship information carries to FAST. This field is requi...
Sam McClain over 2 years ago in  3