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Life BTM Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 6, 2023

Priority Case Notes and Issue/Delivery Requirements

I would like to see the case notes have an option to add a priority case note for any special circumstances, bonus points if the text of these notes can be made red or another color to ensure they stand out, and make them always float to the top of the list of case notes to ensure that they are not over looked at issue or delivery there by making a case have to be reissued or sent to Policy Change. I feel it would be helpful too if there are any outstanding requirements to have them also float to the top. For example, when reviewing the case notes from the top down you see any priority notes first, then any open requirements, then the rest of the case notes in date order like CaseView currently lists them.

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    Janelle Rose
    Jul 11, 2023

    FAST already holds the functionality to indicate case notes as a certain priority (high, normal, and low). The case notes indicated as high will automatically be at the top of the notes section regardless of when the note was added.
    Closing idea since functionality already exists.