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Life BTM Ideas Portal
Created by Sam McClain
Created on Jul 25, 2022

Cont Bene Relationship Not Coming Over From iPipeline

Case Side:

Cont Bene relationship field is not populating in FAST when case is first submitted. User will have to manually enter this information for the UW to review. Propose that this relationship information carries to FAST. This field is required for the contingent beneficiary when the Party Reconciliation process is completed. Without any manual intervention, an error is thrown, and the Cont Bene Relationship field must be updated. User would need to manually review app and input data.

Principal Bene relationships are sometimes mapping as unknown or incorrect relationships. See story 53353 in ADO. Jeff S and team worked with Mouli to determine SFG needed to complete internal work but this was not documented anywhere further. See attached email also.

Medium Priority: Not needed until Term Scale?