Regarding the title change for beneficiaries: using the title of Principal Primary etc. We have documents (example: Cert POA document), on the form it asks for the Principal (Owners) signature & date. I’m sure there are other forms that changing the titles this could affect.
Are they going to through the forms we have and update the titles to match what Fast is using now? The company just went through (last year) and updated various forms. Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to change the titles in Fast verses going through the forms we have and update the titles to match the system?
On bene changes, is the system going to accept percentages that are not whole numbers? It the system going to accept more then 20 bene names? (Edify and Cyberlife do not). What about Tertiary bene’s that would be a bene for one of the other named bene’s, what about accepting foreign phone numbers? Missing information for a bene will a bene confirm follow-up letter generate? What about accepting two different trusts and being able to add the trustee name to each of the trusts (edify won’t let you do that)?
Submitted by: Julie Engelby
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