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Created by Laura Zahn
Created on Aug 17, 2022

Workflow | Reissue

Once policies are issued through FAST, Policy Change will need to be able to have the capability to reissue that policy if needed through FAST, how would that be accomplished? This would be a function that would need to be working Day 1.
Common reasons that we reissue a policy:
• Change in Death Benefit -- this could be for Term or UL/IUL plans
• Change in Death Benefit Option
• Issued at the wrong commission option
• Issued at a different guideline test -- GSP or CVAT
• Reissue with rider as of the issue date - example PGR
• Change the Issue Date of the policy
• Upsell Offer is exercised after the policy was released
**These are the majority, however there could be other situations that may arise.

Today in production once a policy is released into Cyberlife and it is determined that the policy was issued incorrectly or an agent requests the policy be reissued to make a change to the policy, during the free look period, PC would, reverse premium if applicable, NTO the existing policy and reissue a new policy (either with a new policy number or possibly with the same policy number depending on the situation) with the corrections/changes requested.

Submitted by: Lisa Phillips

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  • Jenna James
    Nov 10, 2022